
As the Web Specialist within the Marketing & Communications department at Iona College my role covers a variety of exciting responsibilities. Whether it be daily site updates, creating customized templates, or participating in marketing strategy meetings, I am constantly focused on making content that is more engaging and accessible to all audiences. The fact that my role requires both technical knowledge and the ability to stretch one's imagination animates my day and keeps things fresh.

I also have experience creating applications using React, Ruby on Rails, and vanilla JS. Please see below to explore a few of these.

Outside of work you will find me cooking, playing guitar, running or spoiling my cat.


A few of my recent projects.


HOPSIFY is built using Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap for responsive design. HOPSIFY leverages the Spotify and BreweryDB APIs to create thousands of music/beer pairings.

Bowling In Space

Bowling In Space is built using Vanilla JS and HTML/CSS. Object movement is pixel based which results in smooth game play. Speed and difficulty increase as the player earns points resulting in excitement that builds.

Madlibs on Rails

Madlibs on Rails is built with Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap. Facebook Auth is implemeneted for easier sign-in/sign-up. The site provides Madlibs books for users to fill in, but is designed to offer exclusive content and functionality to entice users to create accounts.


Instaclone is a single-page, full-stack web application inspired by Instagram and built with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL on the backend, React.js/Redux using Flux framework for the frontend, and AWS S3 for photo storage.


TableIt is a library inspired by Ruby on Rails' own ActiveRecord and provides the necessary functionality for database queries, insertions, updates and deletions as well as model to model associations.



  • App Academy - FullStack Development

  • NYU Steinhardt - MM Jazz Performance

  • City College of New York - BFA Jazz Performance

  • Westchester Community College - AAS Performing Arts
